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Something To Read

Yes I know, I haven’t blogged for a long time. About six months. Mainly because I’ve been really busy and had slight (well quite major actually it seems) blogfright. So picking up where we left off – here is the photojournal of how I made Milkin’ It for Cornershop. It was quite an adventure. If you liked the film, hopefully you will like this.


Things have gone from strength to strength with the film – it featured alongside some extra documentary interviews I shot in an exhibition We Love You Oakland, at Filmbase in Dublin in June. We Love You Oakland was an exhibition of my films alongside Annie Atkins’ stills that she took for Milkin’ It. It was really very exciting to be able to exhibit. It was also extremely daunting not so for the fact that the weather was bloody atrocious so the flight over was a little bumpy to say the least and my father-in-law had died two days before so my head was in a kind of wide eyed stary freefall.

The night itself was a raging success. I remember being totally overcome with the fact that the private view was at one point absolutely rammed. I felt a bit overwhelmed with the crush, the sea of heads and the fact that the many crates of sponsor beer had run out after only 90 minutes. All these guests and nothing to drink! So I thought I would go and spend a quiet 5 minutes and gather myself in the bathroom downstairs. As I sidled down the stairs I could hear the echo of my own voice booming up from the screening room as one of the interviews played. I imagined it was playing to an empty room. As I swung past I had to rock back on my heels to peek into the darkness. It was full to capacity, uniform rows of very still heads taking it all in. My film. People listening intently and concentrating. This sent my overwhelmometer into overdrive and I re-headed for the Ladies for that five minute respite from all the noise and crush. Of course I went straight on twitter and tweeted something inane like “I am in the Ladies at the private view. All of the beers have gone and it’s rammed!” But I was and it was.

I’m hoping we can bring the exhibtion to London soon and I hope to see some of you there. I also hope the beers won’t run out so fast this time. If they do, you will probably find me in the Ladies tweeting and having a moment.

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